Sunday Update

The antibiotics seem to be reducing the infection at a reasonable rate, but in the meantime dad’s lungs are struggling with reduced capacity from accumulated fluid.

The fluid retention is being remedied with diuretics and he’s got some extra oxygen, but for the moment he’s finding breathing really hard work and the whole experience deeply unpleasant. To save his breath we are trying to avoid conversing with him or asking him any questions. We either talk to each other on subjects of interest, or else keep up a monologue, and I’ve read out all the blog comments which he really enjoyed. He does keep chipping in with points and ideas despite our insistence that he just concentrates on breathing!

We’re all keeping our fingers crossed that the combination of treatments and fantastic care he’s getting in the hospital sort this problem out quickly.

P.S. Update from Monday in comments. TLDR; slowly getting a bit better.

7 responses to “Sunday Update”

  1. Hi Nicky and Diana.
    Grace and I read your daily updates with interest and am pleased you are moving forward. We look forward to seeing you in North Yorkshire again.

  2. Interim post: Dad certainly not out of the trees but he seems to breathing better and able to chip in more to conversations…
    From issues of gas diffusion inside water filled lungs → how do whales dive to 2,000m, or to slightly shallower depths for hours on end without all kinds of problem → why they blow 45 degrees to one side → whether they sleep with only half the brain at once → swifts flying for months or even years at a time.

    I certainly don’t know, luckily Google is at hand.

  3. Hi Nicky, Diana, Patrick et al. – we are receiving updates from Dad but wanted to send Nicky our best wishes for a smooth recovery and repatriation. Much love from Flora & Corin in Liverpool xx

  4. Hey Nicky

    Hope the road to recovery is going as well as can be.

    Grey sky here in Yorkshire so you are all not missing much.

    How are the breathing (gulping) exercises going.

    Hope to see you all soon again


  5. Keep that breathing going, Nick, and don’t bother for the time being with witty comments. Just save them up for a good blast-off once the infection has cleared up.

    I had a good chat with Diana this morning. And Patrick has equipped me with this bit of coms kit.

  6. Hi Nicky, glad you enjoyed a plethora of cards from Yorkshire, we are all thinking of you, kids ask after you and Diana regularly.
    Please conserve your energy and do as the physios say.
    Lots of love, Rin

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