Progress Report

Controlling blood pressure is still an issue but Nick has started taking some tablets that should do the same job as the drip without having to be quite so connected up to the intensive care monitors. However he will need to be weaned off the drip completely (he’s still getting a fraction of a ml per hour) and he will need to show a reasonably steady blood pressure before they pull all the cannulas and arterial lines out. Which means he is likely to spend a few more days in intensive care.

What happens after that is somewhat dependent on available beds. Possible steps are:

  • 1. neurological ward in Southmead and/or York, Middlesbrough (James Cook) or Wakefield (Pinderfields)
  • 2.spinal injuries rehabilitation unit in Middlesbrough or Wakefield.

There is an objective to reduce the number of ambulance rides, but that’s trumped by bed availability. There is also a pecking order depending on the location of registered GP so that might make a space appear sooner at York, followed by rehab at Middlesbrough.

Timing is very vague at the moment but a ‘normal’ period in spinal injuries rehab could be three to four months, which means a low turnover of beds so quite a long waiting list.

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