Nick Gaunt Accident Blog

This is Nick’s blog, filled in by him and his family to keep everyone informed of his progress. Click on each heading to expand it.

Hopefully, you will be able to add comments quite easily without registering and waiting for them to be approved. To comment you will need to enter your email address as the blog software uses that as ID, but we won’t use it for nefarious purposes, promise, see [EDIT I had to add an extra question to sort the humans from the spam robots!]

We probably won’t have time to answer any detailed questions posted in the comments, but we will certainly make sure that Nick gets to read them all.

This particular post stays at the top, but all the others are ordered oldest at the bottom, newest at the top. After reading this, go “back” then scroll to the bottom and catch up on all the posts. Hopefully they will show a gradual improvement!

14 responses to “Nick Gaunt Accident Blog”

  1. Wishing you all the best for a speedy and good recovery Nicky. I hope that blood pressure behaves soon! I am sort of imagining the splint…. I hope it is stylish – and not with you for too long
    Love to all

  2. Hi Nick, should be castigating you for giving us such a scare. Glad to see you out watching the sky, although to be frank there is not much to see at the moment. I’ve just taken Trevor the Triumph for a run round Hutton le Hole and Gillamor on what must be one of the best evenings to take a convertible out on. I’ll send a pic separately. It’s forecast to be so hot tomorrow that they are probably going to cancel flying at SB, just not wise to be out all day. Nil illegitima carborundum old chap. Hope to see you soon. Andrew

  3. Hi Nick
    Been thinking a lot about you and good to hear about your recovery progress and tackling the prism glasses.
    Sending you our very best wishes and look forward to seeing you both soon.
    All our love, Jon and Kathy

  4. Hi Nick, well you have certainly managed to scare us all this time. I am sure Diana has well and truely told you off. Keep positive and you are in the best possible hands and all out thoughts are with you both. Diana if there is anything I can do for you at this end please let me know.
    Much love to you both.

  5. Hi Nicky.
    Grace and I send our best for a safe and speedy positive recovery.
    Our love to Diana.

    Mike and Grace.

  6. Hi Nicky

    I well remember spiralling skywards as a passenger in your glider and was so very upset when I heard of your accident. May you steadily improve and my love to Diana



  7. Nick
    So sorry to hear the news but glad to hear that you’re fighting back and that you have so much family support. Hope progress allows the move closer to home before too long.
    Love and best wishes to you both
    Jenny & Mike

  8. Hi Nick.
    I have been asking about your progress but not known how to contact you. Ken Arkley kindly forwarded details of this blog today.
    Hotbpoop for you…Paul and Bob Beck have purchased Reg Watson’s old Ventus 2CXT.
    I have had a bit of a hiatus following a bout of Covid (which I kept to myself)and a nasty respiratory infection courtesy of Paul, who likes to share! I have flown the K21s mostly, just to keep my hand in. I had a ‘challenging’ aerotow on Monday, followed by a reasonable flight, so decided to fly CT today, managing a whole 27 mins. Turns out, I had the vario in the wrong setting! Bugger.
    I have a new ‘willy-magnet’ which is keeping me amused – a new-to-me MX-5. Prefer my old MX-5 really as it was simple. This one has far too many electronic gizmos for me. But I have my first ever satnav!
    Sending healing thought, and love to you and Diana,
    Polly (and Biggles) xxxxx

  9. I am so sad to read this – but what a lovely photo and such happy last words. Such a man – a tremendous loss

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