Celebration of Nicky’s Life

On holiday in Rome

3rd September 2022 at 2pm in Helmsley Church

For a celebration of dad’s life, to emphasise the positive and joyful memories, and certainly not to be morose, or even unduly sad. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to eat sandwiches and cake and catch up with old friends at Harome Village Hall.

Dad will have been cremated the week before, with just immediate family in attendance, so there will be no coffin, or funeral as such, at the church. Please wear whatever you feel comfortable with, appropriate to your personal relationship with dad.

Rather than leaving flowers, if you would like to give something to mark dad’s life, there will be a collection for Wiltshire Air Ambulance at the church or via this link

PS If you intend to come, it would help us estimate the number of sandwiches and cakes if you could let us know, either text, email or comment on this post. Thanks.

In case you missed it, here is the obituary from the Yorkshire Post written by Brian Kirby

27 responses to “Celebration of Nicky’s Life”

  1. James and Judith Stevens will be attending the service on 3rd September at Helmsley All Saints Church.

  2. Don & Lynne Wallace will be pleased to attend the service at Helmsley All Saints Church. Thank you

  3. Hi,
    I’m the italian nurse who was taking care of Nick in Bristol, i feel so sorry for this terrible new, I didn’t expect…Nick will always be in my heart and all of you, you all are an amazing family.

  4. Sorry, but I will be unable to attend. I will be in Aberdeenshire, first day of the UK Mountain Soaring Championships. I would have expected to go to celebrate my friendship with Nick, and his support for all at Yorkshire Gliding Club. However, I would like to think he would support my decision to prioritise another gliding adventure.
    Steve Thompson

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